
上海峰志儀器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:瑞典蘭寶 時間:2023-05-17 09:44:44瀏覽734 次





Apollo-3.0 UV-A紫外照度計


Apollo 3.0 UV-A紫外照度計

作為一級、二級和三級或采購經(jīng)理,您有責任提出正確的問題。ISO 17025認證是由外部審計師審核的認證,也是證明某人能力的認證。紫外線測量儀制造商和紫外線校準實驗室都應通過ISO 17025認證。如果不確保紫外照度計測量準確,為什么要為紫外照度計支付 1500 美元,為紫外照度計校準支付 250 美元。航空航天組織有不同的紫外線強度要求是有原因的 - 空中客車,波音,普惠,美國空軍,勞斯萊斯。如果您不能自信地衡量,您如何知道您遵守了他們的程序?

消除灰色地帶,將合格的認證制度化,并擁有盡可能多的ISO 17025認證公司,以便有能力的年輕人取代老一代,這符合無損檢測行業(yè)的大利益。是時候改變!

Apollo 3.0 UV-A紫外照度計

Select the Correct UV-A Meter for your NDT Needs

During our long experience in participating in committees that shape standards and the direction of the NDT profession, groups are seldom competent enough to combine the practical and the theoretical requirements into a competent industry standard. The competent are typically a minority. Committees and Standards are surrounded by distributors, sales managers, manufacturers that have no intention of going the extra mile to create a better framework for products and procedures. UV meters and UV calibrations are a perfect example.

It is shameful that the NDT profession in the year 2023 does not have any competent requirements for the calibration of UV meters. Many calibration shops have very little capabilities, no traceability, no proven procedures, no certifications, only whatever they were taught from the previous guy. Any competent standards written in the past have been scrapped and replaced by na?ve definitions that make no technical sense but allows sales people to continue selling products and services without anyone asking any questions. Committees fiercely resisted institutionalizing audited certifications because that exposes UV meter manufacturers and UV calibration labs that are not good enough.

It is your responsibility as a Level I, II and III or sourcing manager to ask the right questions. ISO 17025 certification is the ONLY certification that is audited by an external auditor and the only certification that is a proof of someone’s competence. All UV meter manufacturers and all UV Calibration labs should be ISO 17025 certified. Why are you then paying $1500 for a UV meter and $250 for a UV meter calibration if not to be sure that the UV meter measures accurately. There is a reason why Aerospace organizations have different UV intensity requirements – AIRBUS, BOEING, PRATT & WHITNEY, USAF, ROLLS-ROYCE. How do you know you are in compliance with their procedures if you cannot measure with confidence?

It is in the best interests of the NDT profession to eliminate grey areas, institutionalize competent certifications and have as many ISO 17025 certified companies as possible so that competent younger people replace the old generation. Time for change!

瑞典蘭寶紫外線照度計Apollo 3.0價格

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