
上海峰志儀器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:美國蒙那多 時間:2021-03-21 15:01:19瀏覽2498 次


如果您可以關閉設備并安裝一條反光帶,則可以輕松使用光學轉速計進行RPM測量。 當您無法關閉設備時,必須使用頻閃儀。 當閃光速率低于300 FPM時,人眼不容易被頻閃儀誘騙看到停止的圖像。 因此,頻閃儀幾乎不可能在300 FPM以下用于檢查或測量RPM。

頻閃儀的主要用途是讓運動的物體停止運動以進行診斷檢查。 但是,頻閃儀也可用于測量轉速。 為此,需要考慮幾個因素。 首先,360°旋轉(例如,軸的末端)都應該可見被測物體。 其次,對象上應該有一些獨特的部分,例如螺栓,鍵槽或瑕疵,可以用作參考點。 如果正在查看的對象是完全對稱的,則用戶只需在單個位置用膠帶或油漆標記該對象即可用作參考點。
The primary use for a stroboscope is to stop motion for diagnostic inspection purposes. However, the stroboscope can be used to measure speed. In order to do this, several factors need to be considered. First, the object being measured should be visible for all 360° of rotation (e.g. The end of a shaft). Second, the object should have some unique part on it, like a bolt, keyway or imperfection to use as a reference point. If the object being viewed is perfectly symmetrical, then the user needs to mark the object with a piece of tape or paint in a single location only, to be used as a reference point.

如果旋轉速度在便攜式頻閃儀的范圍內,請從zui高閃光率開始,然后將閃光率調低。 在某些時候,您將只在物體的單個圖像上停止運動。 請注意,以兩倍于圖像實際速度的閃光速率,您將看到兩幅圖像。 當接近正確的速度時,您可能會看到三幅,四幅或更多幅實際速度諧波的圖像。 您看到的個SINGLE圖像是真實速度。 要確認真實速度,請記下讀數并將頻閃儀(http://m.yifengxin.cn/pinshanyi/)調整為該讀數的一半,或僅按÷2按鈕。 您應該再次看到一個圖像(可能相對于所看到的個圖像有相移)。
If the speed of rotation is within the range of the stroboscope, start at the highest flash rate and adjust the flash rate down. At some point you will stop the motion with only a single image of the object in view. Note that at a flash rate twice the actual speed of the image you will see two images. As you approach the correct speed, you may see three, four or more images at harmonics of the actual speed. The first SINGLE image you see is the true speed. To confirm the true speed, note the reading and adjust the stroboscope to exactly half this reading, or just press the ÷2 button. You should again see a single image (which may be phase shifted with respect to the first image seen).


例如,當查看具有單個鍵槽的軸時,您將以實際速度以及實際速度的1 / 2、1 / 3、1 / 4等看到鍵槽的一個靜止圖像。 您將看到2倍于實際速度的鍵槽圖像,3倍于3倍速度的鍵槽,依此類推。FPM等于zui高閃光速率下的軸每分鐘轉數(RPM),僅給出鍵槽的一張固定圖像。

For example, when viewing a shaft with a single keyway, you will see one stationary image of the keyway at the actual speed and at 1/2, 1/3, ?, etc. of the actual speed. You will see 2 images of the key way at 2 times the actual speed, 3 key way at 3 times, etc. The FPM equals the shafts Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) at the highest flash rate that gives only one stationary image of the keyway.

如果您可以關閉設備并安裝一條反光帶,則可以輕松使用光學轉速計進行RPM測量。 當您無法關閉設備時,必須使用便攜式頻閃儀。 當閃光速率低于300 FPM時,人眼不容易被頻閃儀誘騙看到停止的圖像。 因此,頻閃儀幾乎不可能在300 FPM以下用于檢查或測量RPM,此時上海峰志儀器有限公司工程師建議采用接觸式轉速表光電轉速表進行轉速測量。
In instances when you can shut down the device and install a piece of reflective tape then an optical tachometer is easy to use for RPM measurement. Stroboscopes must be used when you can’t shut down the device. The human eye is not easily tricked into seeing a stopped image by a stroboscope when the flash rate is slower than 300 FPM. Therefore, stroboscopes are just about impossible to use below 300 FPM for inspection or to measure RPM.


FPM=flashes per minute
RPM=Revolutions per minute








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