
上海峰志儀器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:上海峰志儀器 時間:2022-10-07 21:23:52瀏覽790 次


2022年4月,賓夕法尼亞大學的研究人員在《Journal of Neuroscience》發表了《Cocaine-Induced Changes in Sperm Cdkn1a Methylation Are Associated with Cocaine Resistance in Male Offspring》,文獻的實驗使用了手持式雙波長熒光蛋白觀察手電筒觀察綠色熒光蛋白GFP在小鼠身上的表達。手持式雙波長熒光蛋白觀察手電筒配合熒光觀察眼鏡能夠快速地觀察熒光蛋白在動物組織器官上的表達。

2022年4月,賓夕法尼亞大學的研究人員在《Journal of Neuroscience》發表了《Cocaine-Induced Changes in Sperm Cdkn1a Methylation Are Associated with Cocaine Resistance in Male Offspring》,文獻的實驗使用了手持式雙波長熒光蛋白觀察手電筒觀察綠色熒光蛋白GFP在小鼠身上的表達。DFP-1手持式雙波長熒光蛋白觀察手電筒配合熒光觀察眼鏡能夠快速地觀察熒光蛋白在動物組織器官上的表達。



Virally infused rats were given 2.5-3.5 weeks after surgery to ensure knockdown or overexpression of Cdkn1a and expression of GFP control before initiation of cocaine (1.0 mg/kg/inf) self-administration as described above. Rats responded for cocaine on an FR1 schedule for 10 d. The following day, rats were switched to an FR5 schedule for 2 d and then to a PR schedule for 2 d. Under the PR schedule, the response requirement for subsequent drug delivery increased until the session was terminated 30 min after the last completed schedule. The response requirement for the “ith” reinforcement was R(1) = [5e°.2i-5] (Richardson and Roberts, 1996). The breakpoint was operationally defined as the total number of responses for the last completed schedule. Upon completion of behavioral experiments, catheter patency was confirmed by intravenous infusion of ketamine (0.1 ml). Twenty-four hours after the last self-administration session, rats were killed, viral placement was visualized using NIGHTSEA DFP Dual Fluorescent Protein Excitation Flashlight with NIGHTSEA Barrier Filter Glasses (Electron Microscopy Services), and the fluorescent region of the NAc was harvested.




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