
上海峰志儀器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:上海峰志 時間:2022-11-05 22:50:51瀏覽1323 次


便攜紫外線分析儀LEAC-280L具有功率小,熱量低,采用高效節能 電子整流器,一開即亮,使用方便.主材料的選擇上,我們選用質優的紫外燈管和濾光片,尤其我們選用了優質高效的透紫濾光片.在254NM處的透光率達68%.在365處 的透光率達86%.   在工作狀態下,紫外線燈管發出的光經過的濾光片,濾除可見光,從而為熒光分析提供了強烈的254 NM和365NM紫外光.

便攜紫外線分析儀LEAC-280L(薄層色譜)UV lamp  for the TLC laboratory


便攜紫外線分析儀LEAC-280L具有功率小,熱量低,采用高效節能 電子整流器,一開即亮,使用方便.主材料的選擇上,我們選用質優的紫外燈管和濾光片,尤其我們選用了優質高效的透紫濾光片.在254NM處的透光率達68%.在365處 的透光率達86%.   在工作狀態下,紫外線燈管發出的光經過的濾光片,濾除可見光,從而為熒光分析提供了強烈的254 NM和365NM紫外光. 





LEAC-280L portable UV lamp is designed primarily for the TLC laboratory .The lamp has low power consumption and low thermal effect. In addition it can work continually for a long time. It is very convenient to be used. 

主材料的選擇上,我們選用質優的紫外燈管和濾光片。尤其我們選用了優質高效的透紫濾光片,在254nm 處的透光率達 68% ,在 365nm 處透光率達 86% 。  

As for the choice of the main materials, the UV tube and filter have excellent quality. Particularly we use the high-quality filter; transmitting rate of UV is up to 68% at 254nm and 86% at 365 nm.  

在工作狀態下,紫外線燈管發出的光經過濾光片,濾除可見光,從而為熒光分析提供了強烈的 254nm 和 365nm 紫外光。

 Under the working condition, the light emitted by the UV tube can penetrate throughthe light filter which cut out the visible light. Thus it has provided intense 254nm and the 365nm UV light for the fluorescence analysis.

由于采用便攜式設計,燈盒和燈座可以分離,燈盒正常放在燈座上時,可方便地觀測 20x20cm 樣板。它能屏蔽三面的雜散光。 5mm 厚的樣板能夠推過后屏板。

 The lamp and the stand can be separated thanks to the portable design. The stand holds the lamp in a position optimized for viewing 20x 20cm objects. It shields off extraneous light on three sides.Objects up to 5mm thickness can be pushed through under the back screen. 

當燈盒反放在基座上時,可用于核酸( DNA,RNA )凝膠電泳和蛋白質及同功酶凝膠電泳區帶的檢測和照像。燈盒可拿在手中,可作為薄層掃描前熒光檢查等用途,因此稱此儀器為便攜反透射紫分儀。

 When the lamp is anti-to put on the stand ,it can be used in the examination and  photography of(DNA RNA),protein and enzyme field .The lamp can be taken in hand  for examining materials, hence it is called the portable UV lamp. 


紫外線燈 /the UV lamp


LEAC-280L 254nm 1 支 365nm 1 支

LEAB-280L 312mm 2 支

LEC-280L 254mm 2 支

LEA-280L 365mm 2 支

紫外濾光片  50 × 200mm 1 片

透光率 the transmitting rate of the filter   

At 365nm up to 86%

電源: 220V ± 10 %  

功率:50-60HZ / 12W

尺寸: 340(長)×130( 寬) ×190 (高) mm


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